Siemens and others test first 100% H2 gas turbine in France
16 October 2023General Approach taken on Electricity Market Design
18 October 2023The Mission Possible Partnership (MPP), RMI, Systemiq, Power2X, and industry leaders have formed a coalition to enable an inaugural shipment of clean hydrogen from the United States to Europe by 2026.
The Transatlantic Clean Hydrogen Trade Coalition (H2TC) will connect U.S. fuel producers to heavy-industry consumers in Europe to encourage the first clean hydrogen shipment across the Atlantic by 2026, with the goal of facilitating trade of more than 3 million metric tons per year of hydrogen in the form of ammonia and methanol through this corridor by 2030.
H2TC also aims to significantly contribute to the EU’s goal of importing 10 million metric tons per year of renewable hydrogen by 2030.
H2TC said it will engage market players from suppliers to off-takers, as well as important market-making entities including major ports and associations in the United States and Europe.
Coalition partners include the Center for Houston’s Future, the Port of Corpus Christi, and the Port of Rotterdam while MPP will serve as its Secretariat.