Global Partner - membership application form

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allowed file types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, jpg, png. Maximum file size: 5Mb
allowed file types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, jpg, png. Maximum file size: 5Mb
allowed file types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, jpg, png. Maximum file size: 5Mb
allowed file types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, jpg, png. Maximum file size: 5Mb
allowed file types: pdf, eps, ai. Maximum file size: 5Mb
allowed file types: pdf, jpg, png. Maximum file size: 5Mb

The category of Global Partner Membership is open and accessible to any legal entity cumulatively meeting the following criteria:

(a) Having a legal personality;

(b) Being duly constituted in accordance with the laws and practices of its country of origin;

(c) Being a for-profit legal entity, i.e. a legal entity having as purpose to generate profits to be distributed between its founders, shareholders and/or disrectors;

(d) Having its registered office or its principal place of business in any other territory then the ones referred in Article 6.1 (d) of Hydrogen Europe’s Bylaws;

(e) The country where it has its registered office has concluded a(n) (partnership) agreement or a memorandum of understanding with the EU or with EU Member States or with the Association (i) regarding amongst others hydrogen and (ii) which is relevant for the realisation of the non-profit purpose of the Association; and

(f) Complying with Article 15.1 of Hydrogen Europe’s Bylaws.

Membership services

By providing personal data/contact details to Hydrogen Europe aisbl and/or entering into a membership with Hydrogen Europe aisbl, implies that all registered contacts are fully informed about, and fully accept the organization's privacy policy without any reservation, including being contact for membership related matters.

Fee payment according to joining date

Membership fee covers calendar year and not 12 months from joining date.

January to June = full payment is billed

July – December = 50% of fee is billed

Membership approval process

1. Fill out the above form.

2. Membership applications are subject to the approval by the Board of Directors.

3. In case of any other questions please email us at

Hydrogen Europe Membership, Avenue Marnix 23, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 540 87 75 l Email: l Website: