Clean H2 Partnership issues €195m call
18 January 2023RWE gets €108m EU funds for waste-to-H2
20 January 2023Hydrogen Europe and nearly 50 other signatories have signed a joint letter to EU legislators for an ambitious FuelEU Maritime Regulation, in the context of the ongoing trialogue on the file.
The signatories call on the co-legislators to seize this opportunity to make the European industry a global leader in green shipping. This entails raising the ambitions for both greenhouse gas (GHG) intensity targets and promoting the uptake of green, sustainable e-fuels by including a dedicated binding sub-quota for Renewable Fuels of non-Biological Origin (RFNBOs).
Though Hydrogen Europe advocates for a higher subquota, we welcome the maintaining of 2% RFNBOs, proposed by the European Parliament and certainly politically achievable.
The next technical trialogue between co-legislators, which will tackle the RFNBOs subquota, will take place tomorrow.