Role of Hydrogen Storage in Sector Integration Perspective

Role of Hydrogen Storage in Sector Integration Perspective

In the context of decarbonizing the economy through the accelerated deployment of Variable Renewable Energy Sources (VRES), hydrogen storage will play a critical role in integrating them, as well as contributing to the process of progressive sector integration. Sectoral integration or sector coupling refers to linking energy (electricity, gas and heat), transport and industrial infrastructures with a view to increase the penetration of renewable energy sources and decarbonize the economy. Hydrogen and its storage have the potential to make the energy transition faster and more cost-effective through fostering precisely the process of sector integration.  

Both hydrogen and electricity grid infrastructures together with large scale seasonal hydrogen storage and small-scale day night electricity storage, in mutual co-existence, will be essential to realize a sustainable, reliable, zero-emission and cost-effective energy system. Indeed, energy sector integration will improve the overall efficiency of the system and lead to cost.  

Hydrogen is a versatile, clean and flexible energy vector that will play a crucial role in this process. It can be used as a feedstock for industry and as a carbon-neutral fuel for transport (land-use, maritime and aviation), an energy carrier in the power sector as well as for heating in buildings and heavy industry reductions in the energy sector and across the economy (its trole in sector integration are detailed here).  These different applications would need to be further reflected in the regulatory and market framework not only for energy, but also for other economic sectors.

This H2 Talk webinar delved into these aspects of the transformation of our economic landscape. What does it mean to tend toward an integrated sectoral approach through hydrogen and hydrogen storage? How, in concrete terms, does H2 storage make sector integration come true? What are the palpable examples and illustrations of its role? What are the drivers and brakes for it to be fully deployed? What dynamics in terms of regulation and finances need to be unleashed to fulfill the potential of H2 storage? And finally, what next after the Fit for 55 package?  

Confirmed speakers:

  • Charlotte Roule, CEO, Storengy
  • Alexander Lücke, Deputy Director-General for Energy security, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action
  • Ruud Kempener, Team Leader, DG ENER, European Commission
  • Philipp Offenberg, Director, Europe, Breakthrough Energy
  • Georg Dorfleutner, GIE Board member and Managing Director of RAG Energy Storage

Moderated by Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO, Hydrogen Europe

Download the presentations:

Jorgo Chatzimarkakis, CEO, Hydrogen Europe

Charlotte Roule, CEO, Storenergy



From: 28 February 2024 15:00 (CET)
To: 28 February 2024 16:30 (CET)


Type: Online

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